Is there anything you wanted to say on Friday, but for some reason did not get the chance? Well, here's your chance. What research leads you to believe that Climate Change is caused naturally, or by humans? Has anyone (peers, parents, teachers) influenced your decision? Answer these or any other questions about climate change in your response to this post.
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Sunday, March 28, 2010
Anything else to say?
Posted by
2:41 PM
Labels: climate change, weather
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I think human's and nature cause this type of Climate Change. I think something needs to be done about it but people choose not to. Why? Well human's could look at it like this. None of the major effects of Climate Change will take place while they are alive so there is no effect on them. Therefore, they see no need to help because they are not going to be effected by it.
Peace out.
I think that global warming is caused by humans, not naturally. We are burning fossil fuels every day, releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. We are also cutting down trees (deforestation) that need C02 to live. Without trees, we wouldn't get as much oxygen and C02 levels would rise.
well i thought it was more of human, but after the Socratic Seminar the students have had changed my mind. When they were saying that the earth goes through a cycle.
i was going to say, by all the people in our earth, half of them dont care and dont want to do anything different. And some dont even believe in globe warming.
But also i think that the humans do have alot of things to do with the climate change but i also think that some naturally causes have to roll with the Climat change.
I think that it was really hard to talk, and give my "two cents" because Derek and Derek were basically arguing back and forth. It was hard to get word in.
I think that Global Warming is naturally caused, because I think that the Earth is just going through a cycle, like it did with he Ice Ages. Maybe this is just another phase. And I think that the only reason we are worrying about this so much now, is because we have the technology to physically see the changes. I don't think it is that big of a deal honestly, but I still think that everyone should do what they can to reduce their "carbon footprint" just so we don't overwhelm ourselves. But I don't think we should change anything too drastically because then we might upset the natural balance of things. I don't know, just a thought.
Well i thinkl its a natuarl cause like maria said because not all things come from human manner. so i agree on most of the stuff that was said that it can be both but i think it natural
i dont believe that global warming even excists. the earth just has a way of naturally changing the climate of itself. soon the earth will just start to cool down and be normal. people will soon learn that global warming is just a hoax for people to get involved and have there 15 seconds of fame for so "environmental". when people get that through their thick skulls everyone of America and earth will be much happier.
i think that if we put money into changing climate change, and we are the only country that does, we won't make as big as a difference as if we team up with a lot of countries and then, we will make a difference.
also, i think that many pools would make more money, because it would be warmer outside, and more kids would go to the pool
In the socratic seminar, i said that i believed it was human caused. I still believe that, but i also partially think that it is natural as well. I think that the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation is a big factor, and that is all human activity. But, after researching a little more and hearing what others had to say, i also think that it could be natural because i found out online that the climate changes with or without our help because earth goes through a cycle. So, i think it can go both ways.
I believe that climate change is a natural occurence. I think that climate change is a natural heating and cooling cycle. the only reason that people think it is a problem now is because we can measure how much the heat fluctuates. if we could measure heat before it would be easier to see that heating and cooling is a cycle. instead we have to look at it very broadly, first there was the prehistoric times when the tempurature was very hot and then there was an ice age. snd now there is the present time in which the tempuratures are comfortable.
my decision was influneced a bit by my parents and by the facts that are out there. the research i have found to support this is very strong in my opinion
I was very much influenced on Friday.. A lot of people made points that led me to believe that the cause of Climate Change is humans AND natural. I think now, that Climate Change is the Earth's natural thing to do.. but humans are speeding up the process. That my friends, is what I believe now.
I would've said that water vapor is a major contribution to the heat up of Earth and we can't do anything to stop it. I would also say that we aren't doing much to contribute to this climate change but we are doing some to this climate change. I think it's more of natural causes due to the facts of water vapor being the most significant contributor to climate change
I guess if there was something that I didn't get a chance to say, it would be: taking care of the earth is important, whether you choose to see global warming as a threat or not. There is a happy medium between designating your life to "saving the earth" and not caring at all about it. I have my own opinions about global warming that I probably got from my parents, but some people have very very strong opinions about it. It's not necesarily a bad thing, but it is obvious that they weren't going to change their mind because of something the rest of the class said.
a weather man came to memorial and told us that the global temp. has leveled out for the last 10 years, so i believe him (even though he did not predict the rain we had that day).
i beleive that global warming is due to natural causes,but human activity is speeding the process up. as many people have said..the earth goes up and down in tempurature and in climate..and right now it is at it's high temp peak, and our buring of fossil fuels and deforestation is speeding the process up so the tempuarature goes up more.
i think that global warming doesn't exist because there is only a .6 change in temperature
i don't think anyone should worry about global warming or spend any money on it nothing will happen now but if anything increases they should start researching global warming in the future.
well I would have to say that my friends influenced me the most and the people around me as I listened the discussions got me thinking about both causes. Do humans cause global warming or does it occur naturally? I would have to say both. I can't pin point a specific reason from either side that causes it. Because as we advance the earth and atmosphere also advance with us. But I do think that us (humans) are adding onto it by using cars way to much for the little things when we could be walking if its a short distance and when we use energy for unnecassary reasons. like keeping on a light when no one is home... there is no reason for that. so yah there is my input on this whole discussion thing. hope all my big words I used make sense to you Mr. Hoegh. I know I have advanced in my smartness over the weekend for some reason though i do not know why anyway yah i will stop talking no. adios!
1. Something that i didn't get a chance to say was that we can't just leave our problems for the next generation because firstof all, that is selfish. And second of all, WE are the next generation. I mean I understand if you think that we will have better technology down the road but if we don't start making a change NOW, then we will be in a 'deeper hole' and can't 'dig' ourselves out!
2. Also, even if it isn't our fault, we still need to start making changes in our daily livestyles. Even little ones, like changing our lightbulbs to the 'swirly' ones (I know that that isn't very scientific but I don't know the name of the bulb) or cutting your shower time down by even one or two minutes. Because if everybody makes little, tiny changes in our lives then it will make a HUGE difference! But the problem is convincing everybody to do that.
i think that the climate change is not real but if i had to choose it would be caused naturally because if water vaper is included then humans would have contrubited to less than 1 persent to the problem. the temp has only gone up 1 degree in the past 100 years
I don't think global warming is really happening now. But if it is, it is nothing to worry about. If it is happening, it is a combination of both natural and human causes. If the atmosphere doesn't let enough heat out, the earth will start warming up very slowly. Humans help speed up that process by burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests.
I think global warming is caused by both humans and it's natural. I believe that it would have happened anyways, we are just speeding it up! One of the websites i read, told us that the hottest years have been thousands of years ago. Which means that it has happened like this before maybe. I think were speeding it up because after the industrial revolution, our climate began to alter. Also from deforestation, the trees aren't taking in the carbon like they used to so it's still there then!
If i didn't get a fact that some of my classmates got, which was a good point, that mostly influenced me.
I think it's both because i think this is supposed to happen cuz its happened many times before. Also i think we are speeding up the process by deforestation, burning fossil fuels, and using cars. I think people are overreacting a little cuz its not that big of a change.
I think climateh change is mostly happening from natural causes. I dont think its that big of a deal. I think the temperature might go up a little more, but i also think the it will drop back down again. I dont think global warming is anything to worry about.
I personally believe that global warming is largely the result of human interaction with the environmnet. I have formed this opinion both from prior knowledge and that of which I have acquired during my research.
Before we began our unit on the greenhouse effect and global warming, I had created an opinion about the cause of global warming. From knowledge that I had previously gained, I concluded that global warming was created by human causes. I said this because I knew that the burning of fossil fuels along with deforestation was making more carbon dioxide while reducing the amount that the Earth can naturally get rid of. Since co2is a greenhouse gas, I decided that this is why global warming is occuring.
During my research, I found many sites that stated that natural causes were the cause of global warming. However I did find one website,, that reinforced my opinion on human induced global warming. Through using Al Gore quotes and real data, the site was very convincing.
i said about everything i could think of on friday, i will quickly sum it up;
i believe that global warming was made my human and natural causes.
the earth is never quite the same temperature so we don't know if that is the reasoning behind it. we also are not making this better, by putting carbon dioxide in the air, it is a green house gas. i don't think we can completely make this go away, but we can definitly make it better.
I pretty much said everything I wanted to on Friday. I think global warming is mainly because of natural cause but some of it is human causes. I used to think it was all human involvement, but after our socratic seminar I realized a lot of it was from natural causes.
ummm... i got to say everything i wanted except i forgot to mention that wator vapor is huge evidance that natural causes contribute mostly to climate change
My dad gave me something interesting to think about, he told me a lot of research for this kind of stuff was politically and socially guided. I also think no ones really done any research looking for natral solutions so we can't really know what it's all about, until someone does. Some scientist also ignore pieces of information, such as ignoring water vapor when calculating CO2 levels. I personally lean toward natural reasons, simply because there is not enough research to fully back up. Also, the IPCC i think, stated that their computer that estimates climate change for years to come ONLY calculates human-made, not natural. I think this happens a lot because we see how much CO2 we put into the air, and panic. Something else I think needs to be noted was that one website said that only 36/10,000 molcules or so is C02 and that we need CO2 to survive. I think we need to start doing things do reduce the amounts of CO2 in our air simply to reduce the air pollution so things like heat stress and other disease don't become a bigger deal.
-Global warming is all based of a theory. We're are going on the assumption that the earth keeps a constant climate. That may not be the case. We only have a little bit of information not even enough to really know what is going on. And the Data from 200 years ago is probably not completely correct.We didn't even have toilets back then.
-The earth has only changed 1 degree in the past 100 years and we don't even know if all that is correct. I was surprised at how little it had changed. As I said during the seminar I was under the assumption that it was much more.
-the carbon dixode in teh air isn't enough to produce the rise in temperature over teh last 100 years we've seen.
-I believe in the nautral cause but I still don't think we should be poulluting our planet.
-My Parents have highly influenced my decesion, sometimes even more so than my teachers. It is unevitable that you will be influenced by the people around you, However i still hold my decession as my own. I have several aspects of my ideas about global warming that are all my own and are in no corrolation to my parents own ideas.
one thing that i tried to say in the conversation was that i think that all of the advertisement on tv influence peoples desicions towards global warming. with the advertisements being advertised regurally i believe that they don't give room for any doubt towards global warming... it isn't very often that you see a commercial that sais that global warming isn't real and to keep living like you are currently....that never happens! All you see in advertisements are that humans need to drastically change our lives for the environment. I just think that with all of the opinions being one sided in the media that if people do truly believe in something different that they are wrong and don't state there opinion which is not good....... everybody in our conversations SAID that they thought that global warming was real but i don't think that they meant all of it .... i mean i can't be the only person that believes that there is at least a possibility in the fact that global warming has been shoved in our faces just so that scientist have something to do. sometimes i think that all they want is something to talk about so they came up with an idea that the world will continually get hotter and hotter just so they can try to make the world be up to their standards..... I wish that i could have stated this during the conversation in class but i guess it wasn't meant to be... plus i think that it would have taken a while to say all of that so it might have been a good thing........
Christa G:
i think its caused by both, because my research said neither did it, and both did too. so it makes sense that if it was natural, maybe it wouldnt be going so fast, maybe humans are increasing the rate.Also theres not much information relating it to it being nature caused.
I think my 7th grade social studies teacher influenced me that it was human caused.
Personally I think global warming is due to both human and matural causes. Even though I have seen more reasons behind the idea that it is human cause I think the idea that the climate is just evening out seems realistic.
I personally feel that the "global warming" is due to natural causes. This one scientist believes that the climate changes as it pleases, and that we can't affect it. Another thing to point out is the fact that global temperatures haven't increased in the past 10 years...
I believe that global warming, if it even is real, that it is natural. I researched that a warming like this did happen before in around 3000 b.c. and im pretty sure they werent burning any fossil fuels back then. Really nobody has influenced my desicion other than myself.
To be honest, I truly don't believe that global warming is real, and if it is, it's completely natural. Much of the information that is given about global warming has actually been proven false. Many scientists have said that there has not been a constant increase in temperature over the last few years. A lot of the facts that lead people to believe that global warming is human related are things such as the burning of fossil fuels, etc. Yes, I think it's important to "reduce, reuse, and recycle" but at the same time, you can't pin everything on humankind. In 2007, the IPCC concluded that there is a 90% chance that global warming is caused by humans, but at the same time, there is no real data suggesting a trend in global warming. Roy Spencer and his research believe that any causes are mainly natural. He says that most of the beliefs about global warming are assumptions, not actual facts. With information like that, there is no reason for me, or anyone else to believe that global warming is an actual existing thing in the first place.
In my opinion, I think that the climate change and global warming are a natural cause. The human activity doesn't really affect the atmosphere that much. I don't really have anything else to say because I shared what I learned in the Socratic Seminar already.
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