Monday, August 20, 2012

3, 2, 1, Go.

It was a pleasure to meet you all yesterday, by the way. It was a good first day. I am glad to have that speech done, but it was honestly really fun to speak to that many young people at one time. Thanks for listening!

3-2-1 Activity: Please share your thoughts in a comment below. As it will always be, if you do not want your comment to be published just say so. Type "Please don't publish" or "PDP" at the end of your comment. Otherwise, I'll assume that it's okay to post what you write. I like showing off what my students can do!

  • State 3 things you've learned about Mr. Hoegh or your classmates. 
  • Name 2 traits about this class. If you need to, use the "Mastery Learning Prezi" (embedded below) to spur your memory.
  • Name 1 thing that makes you excited/nervous about the upcoming school year. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mastery Learning

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