Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Humidity Questions

Here are the essay questions about humidity that you can complete anytime today or tomorrow on Classmarker.

  1. Suppose it is summer (YES!!) and you plan to have a glass of iced lemonade outside. You notice that water drops begin form on outside of the glass. Why does this happen? Where does this water come from? (2 points)
  2. A person's body tends to sweat more on a humid day than it does on a dry one, even if the outdoor temperature is exactly the same. Why does it happen this way? (Hint: Your answer should include how evaporation changes the temperature of the air.) How does this relate to how we measure relative humidity? (Hint #2: Would a large difference between dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures signify dry weather or humid weather?) (4 points)


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