Monday, November 26, 2012

Identifying Minerals

In the past few days in science, your view of minerals has likely changed. You've discovered that there are many different classes/types of minerals -- each with a unique set of properties that allows us to identify one mineral from another.
In your comment, completely answer the following questions. If you don't want your comment to be published, that is fine! Just let me know in the comment you leave.

  1. Minerals are identified by their properties. What are some of the properties you used to distinguish one mineral from another? Why is it best to use more than just one or two of these properties?
  2. Did some of the properties "work" better than others? Which ones were the most effective? Which were the least effective? Explain.
  3. What was the most difficult part of identifying minerals?
  4. How many minerals (of the 17) did you identify correctly?


Anonymous said...

(1)I used hardness and streak mostly, but some like taste and color are dead give aways. (2)Hardness and streak are unique things that are reliable to use. The least effective are mostly color and luster. They are less unique. (3)When two elements seem to be the same one. (4)I think we identified 12 minerals.

Anonymous said...

1. I used acidity, color, hardness, and luster. It is best to use more than one or two properties, because most minerals share a lot of properties and only using two won't really narrow it down.
2. Yes; The most effective were hardness, and streak, because hardness narrowed it down, like diamond was 10, and Talc was 1.
3. The hardest part was to use streak to identify minerals.
4. I'm pretty sure were identified 12 out of 17.

Chris Dupic said...

Some properties we used are color, luster, streak, fracture, hardness, density, fluorescence, magnetism, and taste and radioactivity. The streak worked good, because it is different in every rock. So streak was the most effective. The color was the least effective, because some rocks had the same color. The most difficult part was deciding which category the rock went into. I identified 6 minerals out of the 17. I would've gotten more done, but there were time issues.

Thane Hein said...

1. density,cleavage, streak, color, fracture, luster, hardness, fluorescence, chemical reaction, optical properties, magnetism, taste, radioactivity.
2. work better, hardness because some have different hardnesses, density mostly all minerals have different density, streak because most have different streak.
least effective, color because most have the same color, taste most minerals don't have taste, luster because most don't have luster or have luster.
3. Didn't have enough time to figure it out.
4. 8

Andrew Josko said...

some of the properties are its streak it hardness its color and how it reacts with acid. Sometimes its better to use more than one identification because some of the rocks are alike. The ones that where most effective where the streaks and the acid test. color did not work that well because some of the rocks looked alike in color. Some of the diffuculttes of finding the kinds of rocks where there where so many different kinds
me and my.....partner got 11

tucker huggins said...

1. Hardness, color ,streak, taste
2. Yes like hardness and a streak and the taste one was good too.
3. i always get them wrong when i think we gottem right 8 of em

nathan hruska said...

1. Hardness,color,streak,taste
2. YES, like hardness and streak and for the salty one taste
3. every time i thought i got one right it was wrong
4. We got 8 of em

Dylan O said...

1. Hardness because one mineral will always be harder or softer then one. 2. Hardness because it would let us know what the elements were on the hardness scale then we could look at the properties of them and compare them. The least effective was color because about 3 of them look the same. 3. Having to start over on the identifacation chart. 4. 5

Anonymous said...

1.Some properties that you could use to distinguish one mineral from another are taste, scratch, streak,color, and hardness. You wanna use most of these sources just to be sure that they are the properties that you think they are.
2. I think that streak is the most effective because you know that that is a for sure color. The least effective one is testing it on acid because you might not always have some acid.
3. When minerals look alike and it's hard to identify them.
4. 8 out of 17.

Quincy H. said...

1) If it was magnetic or not, the luster, whether it reacted with acid or not, the hardness. Its best to use more than just one or two because that way you can be sure what type of mineral it is.

2)I think hardness worked really good since there was a chart for it. If it was metallic or not, i think it was hard to figure out just because some looked liked they were metallic but they might not of been, it could of been the luster.

3) How there were like two different charts.

4) 8 or 9

Justin P said...

Density, color, hardness, streak, luster, and others. So you can get it more exact because just knowing one color isn’t good enough. I think streak was the best and density was the worse. Color wouldn’t always be the same for the rock in every group so that was the hardest. We got 8 right.

jake kohls said...

1.luster,streak, color, reacts with acid. It makes your answer more pacific and you have a better chance of getting it right

2. the acid and ability because only a few have the ability to do that. then least effective was probably color because many minerals have the same color


Andy W. said...

I used a lot of properties to determine what minerals they were. Some of the properties I used were the streak, if it could scratch glass. If it would react with HCL, and if it was magnetic. The property that worked the best for me was the streak. the least effective was probably the magnet because only one was magnetic. The most difficult was probably the time because we had very little time to identify all 17 minerals. My group got 10 out of the 17 correct.

Anonymous said...

1. Some of the properties that I used that helped me identify the minerals were: color, streak, hardness, and its luster. Because 2 minerals may be the same color but have a different streak color.

2. The streak definately worked the best, and I ended up using it the most. I think the luster was a bit more challenging for me.

3. The most difficult part was trying to find if it had a luster or not.

4. I identified 9 out of the 17 minerals.

Jenny S. said...

1. color, luster, hardness, and streak. There might be two different minerals that are the color black but one has a hardness of 5 and has a different color streak than the other.
2. Streak, hardness, and other special properties where the best way to identify them. The most effective was streak with hardness, all the minerals that we looked at never had the same hardness or streak. The least effective was color, the clear mineral was a good example. Even though it's suppose to be clear some had some brown or black coloring on the outside.
3. The most difficult was finding out that one mineral was really a different one so you had to go back and redo because it was wrong or another mineral fits better.
4. We identified about 15 and we had about 10 right.

Mackenzie P. said...

1. Color or density because rocks can have some of the same properties but they are still different rocks.
2. Density worked the most because there are many different rocks with many different densities. Color worked the least because many rocks are the same color.
3. The dichotomous key was the hardest part because some rocks were very alike so it was hard to go through it without making mistakes.
4. Like 6.

Brittni Franken said...

We used luster, hardness, and magnetism to tell minerals apart. Its best to use more than one because minerals can have the same properties or only a few have them. Yes, some did work better than others. I think luster worked the best because all minerals have a distinguished luster or not one at all. It helped a lot. Color didn’t work too well because it’s too common. All minerals have it so it wouldn’t work out that well. The difficulty was the amount of time. My partner and I only got through 12 of the minerals. We only got 6 correct out of the 12 we got done. We did pretty well.

Jordan Borns said...

1.luster, color, streak, magnitism and more, cause if you have 2 rocks with the same color and streak then you might think they are the same, but one of them might have luster and the other one does not.
2.yes, i think color, streak, and luster are most efffective, i think magnitism and radioactive and reacts with acid were least effective cause only a few have them. see if some if them are luster or not cause i really cant tell.
4. 9 or 10

Bailey S. said...

Some things you can do to identify a mineral are the luster, streak, color, taste, ect. The most effective way for me to identify the minerals was the streak, because you just tested it to figure it out. The least effective way was taste, we tasted one mineral and that was the Halite. The most difficult part of identifying minerals was the chart, i always got confused on it. We got 8 right i think. I dont want it to be published.

Kalei W said...

Some properties i used were color, the way it broke, taste, luster, type of rock, if it scratched glass, whether it was foliated or not, if it reacts with acid, its streak and etc. Its better to use more than one to identify it because some things can have some of the same properties, and if you don't try more than one out you could get the wrong mineral.

The least effective property in my opinion was color. ( or taste ) Because some minerals can have the same or near the same color, its not really an efficient way to identify it. Also some rocks are the same mineral but can have different colors depending on where they came from. The most efficient was probably the streak because it was different for a lot of them.

Knowing what the color was... I guess I saw the color differently or something i don't know.


Emily Ruzhitsky said...

1. luster, streak, the color, the way it breaks, if it reacts with acid, or if it was foliated or not. It was best if you used more than just one of these properties because some minerals could have the same streak or color but maybe one reacts with acid, and if you didn't check if one reacted with acid or not you might get the wrong mineral.

2. One property that was not as effective was color because one mineral could be a different color than another and they could still be the same mineral. An effective way that helped me was looking at the streak because the streak won’t change no matter how the outside changes.

3. The most difficult part was finding a mineral and thinking it was for example schist and finding another material that you also think is schist and trying to see which one is the right mineral. Also it was hard to tell if the mineral was lustrous or not.

4. 12 minerals

Kaitlyn Jesse said...

Some properties used to identify one mineral from another are color, luster, streak, density, hardness, taste and radioactivity, and a few more. Color was one of the least effective properties because many rocks are the same color but just because they are the same color doesn't mean they're the same type of rock. One of the most effective properties was luster. Luster is most effective because some rocks reflect a certain way in the light and you could use that to determine which rock it is. The most difficult part in identifying minerals is taking the time to carefully study the rock and figure out which group it would belong in so then you could further figure out which mineral it was. Out of the 17 minerals we identified 9 correctly.

michael leffring said...

1. if it was nonmatalic or matalic. then if it was then you would see if it was dark or light colored and then if it reacted with hcl and if it could scratch glass or if the glass scratched it.
2.i thought that the color was the least afective because there could be two rocks with the same color but different rocks. i thought the glass scratching was a good test because different rocks scratched and got scratched at different levels.
3.some through the process of WED had changed and people had messed around with the rock so they were not exactally the same.
4.5 out of 8 becouse we did not get them all done.

Spencer S. said...

1. We used a lot of properties when identifying the minerals. Some of these include whether or not they were metallic,their luster, what color and what color streak they were/had, taste, hardness, and if they could scratch glass. It is easier to identify the mineral if you use multiple properties rather than one or two.
2. The color of streak and luster helped eliminate a lot. Color of the rock didn't help us very much because colors can be similar.
3. The hardest part was the final steps like when it came down to or two minerals and we couldn't identify streak or color. We also struggled with the metallic part.
4. 10

Christian H said...

Some of the properties of minerals are luster, color, and density. It is best to use more than one because its pretty much like double checking whether it is or isn't what you think it is. Yes, density works better than the others. And color was the least effective. Density works good because if you have 2 minerals that look the same, you can figure out what the difference is by finding the density. The most difficult part was finding if it was a light or dark color. I got 12 out of the 17 correct.

Seth Huntimer said...

1. The properties that people use to distinguish which minerals are which is Color, Streak, Luster, Fracture/Cleavage, Hardness, Density, Fluorescence/Chemical Reaction, Optical Properties/Magnetism and Taste/Radioactivity. When trying to identify a mineral you should use most of the properties, if not all, because you will get the best results on what mineral it is.
2. The properties that were least effective were Color (multiple things were the same color sometimes) and Luster. Properties that worked well were Hardness and Fluorescence.
3. The most difficult part of identifying minerals was that sometimes they would look really similar and sometimes the same one would look totally different.
4. Mason and I identified about 11 correctly.

Alexis K said...

1.Some of the properties that we used to identify minerals were hardness, density, magnetism, streak, and color. It is important to use more than one because some minerals can have the same properties.
2. Many of the properties worked better that others when identifying the minerals. For example, I found streak, hardness, and magnetism most reliable. The least reliable property for me was color because one of our rocks was not the same color as the majority of the other rocks of its kind.
3. The most difficult part was searching through the dichotomous key to find the match.
4. Katy and I identified 7 minerals.

Lexis J. said...

1. I use luster and hardness. The reason I use those two is because it helps with how strong it would be, and if it belonged as a metallic or not.
2. The one that worked the best for me would have to be hardness. But color isn't has very good as the others.
3. The most difficult part is trying to find out what the color is for the metallic or something, because some colors could be the same.
4. Luster is the one that I identified right.

Emma S said...

1). The hardness of the mineral, the color of the mineral, the streak color, and the taste. It's better to use more of the properties because the more you use the better chance you have of getting it right.
2). I think that the color, and the hardness worked the best. These worked the best because they are the most obvious answers. They're a lot easier to find then some of them. Sometimes it's hard to determine the color though because they can be multi-colored.
3). I think that the most difficult part of identifying minerals was understanding the chart and what it meant. If you didn't get the chart your whole answers would be wrong.
4). Me and Morgan got 10 right.

Morgan Johnson (MOJO) said...

1) The Color, hardness, streak color, taste. The more properties you use, the more specific it is to one element. It narrows it down better.

2) I think Taste is the best property, because it is so rare for a mineral to have taste. I also think hardness was good, because it was so specific.

3)I think the most difficult part was determining the color, because a lot of the rocks were multi-colored.. and the chart had like 4 options each for color.

4) Emma and I got 10 out of 17.

Maia G. said...

1) Luster, Streak, Color, Hardness, Density,Structure, Cleavage.
So you can be sure you have the right rock
2) Yes, density are hardness work really good because rocks all have there own hardness and density. Color is not a good way to identify rocks because a lot of colors can have the same color.
3)Using dichotomous key, because don't know how to use one

Maddie R. said...

1. Color, hardness, streak, taste, density, luster
2.Yes indeed color is not very good, hardness works well.
3.The Dichotomous key. Because Maia and I don’t know how to work it.

Hanah W. said...

1. Streak, luster, density, hardness, and color. Because so you can tell more and figure it out easier and faster.
2. i think color was the easiest because i already know what it is.
3. I think cleavedge because it still confuses me.
4. I think 7 or 8 or 9 i cant rmember.

Anonymous said...

1 if they can scatch glass or magnetic
2 yes i think the colors are hard because some of them have the same colors and forms
3the color
4 12 or 13

Bailey Gadbois said...

1.color, strick, hardness,it can have the same color but not be hard like maybe a nother rock that color.
2. yes, the one that worked the best was the straping, the ones that were lest effective one was the color, it confusing on the colors .
3.the color, the color was hard because, the colors were clear but the same rocks can sometimes be different colors.

Jaiden W said...

1 color, texture, luster, streak, and chemical reaction
you need to use more than one property because using just one property can lead to false
realization of what type of rock it is.
2 yes. streak, texture, and chemical reaction because it is more personalized to a certain mineral.
color and texture are not reliable because they can be for more than one mineral
3 i didn’t realize that we had to use the blue sheet, i spent almost all of the time on the white sheet
4 ummmmm............................................................ 6?

Robin Hatcher said...

1- Color, luster, streak, hardness, density. I think you should use more than one item to identify what you are trying to observe because sometimes using more can make your observations more accurate.
2-Yes some worked better than others like color and hardness are not reliable because other rocks can have the same color and some can have the same hardness.
3- I think it was the dichotomous key because sometimes they were a little confusing sometimes...
4- I got 6 right..........

Mollie H said...

Mollie Hodgson:

1. Color and taste, I used a lot. It would be a good idea to use more than one because if several rocks have maybe the same color you can tell them apart by something else like taste.

2. I think taste was most effective because there is only a few with a salty taste so if you found one that tasted like that then you could narrow it down to a few choices. I think that Matalic was the least effective because it was hard to tell if it was or not.
3. The most difficult part was telling apart the ones that are very similar in appearence.

4. six.

Nick Newman said...

Luster, Hardness, Color, Cleavage, Fracture. Yes to make sure of things.

Yes, Acid. Color because they all have a similar color or it didnt help

If they were sandstone.


michelle horkey_ said...

_scratching it with glass, and looking at the color or testing with the chemicals like the acid. scratching the rock with glass to see if it left a mark was probably the best. pouring the acid on the rock was probably the least effective because only one or two were reactive to the acid. identifying the names of them and all the elements that they had with them. out of all the 17 i think i got 7 or 8

alixandria brumitt said...

some of the properties of minerals are: Hardness, color, streak, luster, density, taste,

to me, taste and hardness because you would be able to tell if it was halite, because its salty andhardness is a good property

whether its metallic or not


Mason Miller said...

Density, color, hardness, streak, magnetism, luster, and others. It is important because one way could be off due to impurities in the mineral. I think streak and reactivity worked best because it is that mineral and not impurities in it. Color didnt work because impurities affected it. We got 12 right.

Santanna Haro said...

1)Color, luster, streak, hardness, density so you know that you got the right minerals.

2)Yes some worked better than others like color and hardness,are not reliable because other rocks can have the same color and some can have the same hardness.

3)That one key because is really did not help it was a big mess.
4)I got 8 or 9 do not remember what i got.

Mikayla P. said...

1.Properties that i used were if the mineral could scratch glass or not or if it could scratch a nail.2.The property that worked better for me was seeing if it could scratch glass. It worked better for me because you were able to see the scratch if it scratched it. 3.The most hardest part was trying to tell if it scratched the glass. 4.I got 8 right

zicky nelsen said...

1.) i think the acid because it was a thing that not a lot of rocks reacted to. i used the texture because some of the rocks were raggedy and some were smooth. if it was magnetic then it narrowed it down the most.
2.) magnetic was the most effective ONLY if the rock was magnetic because if it was not it would only take away about 1 or 2 choices.
3.) the difficult part was when you got to 2 rock choices and then they would both be grey and have the same texture.
4.) about 7-11

luke dreyer said...

Color and hardness both help distinguish the minerals. There can be a lot of minerals that are black so if you just went by color you would be wrong on a lot of minerals. Yes, hardness and streak are both helpful in identifying a mineral. Taste and color arnt helpful there is like one rock that taste like salt so that dosnt help with other minerals and a lot of minerals are the same color so that dosnt help either.The most difficult part would have been the color because again some are the same color so that dosnt help much.I got 5/17 right

shaylee said...

1. the color, streak, the way it is cut
2. the scrach test and the hardness test becuse the scrach a can be the same as another scrach and the hardness can be the same to
3.find what minaral it is

Jacob W said...

1.hardness, streak, fracture/cleavage, magnetisme, reactivity with acid. cause some minerals have the same properties
2.yes, streak, reactivity with acid.
3.trying to identify what it is by its color
4.6 of them

Laramie Albers said...

1. you would identify minerals from the hardness, color, taste, or streak.
2. hardness is really unique some minerals may be the same... but they differ from the strength in the mineral, color is the least effective even though u need color to tell the difference between some minerals or objects, its probably not the most need thing.
3. when some elements seem to be the same its hard to tell the difference.
4. 12

Amber Rierson said...

Amber Rierson.
1. Some of the properties are color, luster, streak, hardness and density. It is best to used more then one of the properties because it will help you determine what Mineral it is.
2. I think that color and streak worked better then the others. I think that the density was less effective.
3. The most difficult part of identifying the minerals was identifying the what area it was in which it is in. The group of rocks like the color there is three categories.
4. Me and Mickayla got 13 out of 17.

Anonymous said...

Lisbeth Castro
1) Streak and hardness for me are the best to use.
2) Streak and hardness and color most of the time to find the difference in the same type of hardness and streak.
3) Finding the right mineral without getting the wrong one.
4) Raquel and me got about 7.

Lexi D said... can identify it by its streak, color, and how it reacts by acid. Its good to use more than one because some of the rocks could have some of the same properties.
2. Yes, streak and how it reacted with acid were better than some of the others I thought. Because most of the different rocks had all different streaks and only a couple reacted with acid.
3.A lot of them were kind of the same and others it didn't really explain what was different about them.
4.Me and my... partner. Or just mostly me found 11.

nemanja petkovic said...

1 color, luster, steak, hardness, density. i think you should use more than one item to identify what you are trying to obsereb. 2 yes like luster and streak where kinda better than hardness. hardness is the least effective and densti.3 what propierts they are.4 like 4.

Anonymous said...

Hardness, Softness, Color, Taste, and Texture. Its better to use more than one because a lot of minerals have some of the same properties.
Yes, taste really made me decide what the properties were.
some of the options were alike and i had to change a lot of them.
I identified 9 correctly.

Ashton Sperle! said...

1.color, how it reacts, color, streak, luster and a lot more.
it's best to use more then one property to double check your first result.

2.yes, i thought the hardness worked well, along with streak! i didn't think that looking at the rocks color always worked though because it was hard when they were multicolored or if the colors hard to decide.

3. the properties.

4. not sure...

Katy said...

1. My favorite that I used was was streak because it really helped a lot. The taste one was pretty cool although it was gross that everyone was licking the same rock :) haha.
2. The least effective was color because there were some rocks that i compared with other groups and they were different and that didnt help me much. The best was either luster or the streak becuase they narrow it down a lot.
3. the hardest part was a few of the rocks had the same properties and you kept getting the same answer but different rock.
4.. seven

riley d said...

1.What color it is and how it feels also it can be divided by how it reacts to acid.
2.Yeah, it works better if you just tell them apart with the streaks and the color not the acid because not many rocks react to the acid.
3.They all looked alike so it was hard to tell them apart.
4. 2

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