Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ocean Currents

Here is a video shot at Lake Shetek last summer. It's about surface currents, and what causes them.

Surface Currents at Lake Shetek from Owen Hoegh on Vimeo.

I'd like us to collaborate to learn more about oceanography. Google Docs should allow us to do this in real time. With the rest of your group members, complete the section assigned to you in this document. Please use bold text so that we can easily pick out your answers from the questions.
The link will not appear on this blog anymore. If you need it, Mr. Hoegh can email it to you.
If you complete your section of the jigsaw, go try these activities:
  • Ediscio cardboxes on Density and Ocean Currents. Mark these cards for learning, and have at it.
  • Read this article about the causes of deep ocean currents, AKA the "Global Conveyor Belt".


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