Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Planet Prezis

Comment: I eagerly await the chance to become an expert on each of the planets of our solar system.
Question: Who is going to give me that opportunity?
Answer: The Crazy 8s
Another Question: How?
Another Answer: This week they will be researching a specific planet, collaborating in groups, and developing a PREZI that will blow away (in a good way) anyone who is fortunate to be in attendance.

Below is a link for some useful planet research sites.

Planet Prezi Instructions and Links


Josh B. said...

A year is when Earth goes around the sun once in about 365 days.
A month is when the moon goes around the Earth once in about 29 in a half days.
A Day is when the Earth spins fully around once in about 24 hours.

Shelby Loseth said...

If cliffords dog house is the sun and clifford is earth when he is running around his dog house he is orbitting it. His period of revolution is how long it takes him to run around his dog house. Now if emily is the moon she will run around clifford. It may only take clifford 5 seconds to run around his dog house but it takes the earth 1 day to turn in a whole circle. It takes the earth a whole year to orbit around the sun. Now it may only take emily 5 seconds to run around clifford but it takes the moon a whole month to orbit around the earth. That is my explanation of days months and years.

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